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Abe Parker Drops New Single ‘Cool Kid’ [INTERVIEW]

Writer's picture: Nicholas  ZalloNicholas Zallo

Recently I was introduced to a new artist by the name of Abe Parker via his new single, “Cool Kid“.  Delivered along with an official video, the new single instantly grabbed my attention, from Abe’s dynamic vocals to his clean production and relatable lyrics, “Cool Kid“, quickly became one of my favorite tunes of the moment and I have been running up its plays on Spotify ever since.

With a growing catalog and fanbase, Abe Parker has already been able to put up some impressive numbers independently and shows now sign of letting up.  With our newfound fandom, we figured now may be a good time to chat with the rising artist and give our readers some more insight into the man behind, “Cool Kid“.  Check out the tune below and keep scrolling to check out the exclusive interview.

RDFO: As your bio suggests, I have in fact never heard of Blue Rock Ohio. Can you tell me what it was like growing up there and what the music scene is like?

AP: Growing up in Blue Rock was incredible. The closest town, Duncan Falls, had two stoplights. We skateboarded every inch of that town. I learned to live without much and it taught me to be genuinely kind to everyone even if they came off as rough around the edges. As far as a music scene it was a couple high school punk bands. My first band was called Artificially Flavored. We were awesome. 

RDFO: How old were you when you made the move to Atlanta and how has the change of scenery helped your sound develop?

AP: I decided to move to Atl a year after college. I moved back home to pay off some bills. Got a job for a season working as a zip line instructor. Then said a prayer and packed up my car to head to Atl. 

RDFO: What do you find the most exciting part of being an artist? Performing? Writing? etc…

AP: Man, all of the aspects are amazing. I think done right (which is insanely hard to do) live is the best. It’s that moment when you’re in front of thousands of complete strangers and they are all sharing the same emotion. An emotion that meant enough to you to write a song about. 

RDFO: Tell me the meaning/inspiration behind the new single and what you hope listeners get from it.

AP: Cool Kid. Umm, I remember some good friends of mine in High School started drinking under age, doing drugs and sleeping around. It just got to me because I knew that wasn’t the person that they really were, but they were just trying to get in with a “Cooler” crowd. I’m channeling that emotion in Cool Kid along with frustration towards myself for times I’ve done things I new were wrong, just to be more popular. 

RDFO: What instruments do you play and what instruments have you always wanted to play but never got around to learning?

AP: Guitar is my main instrument. I’m not like a Jedi Knight on guitar or anything, but I’d like to say I know what I’m doing. Other than that I just dabble. Piano, bass, drums… vuvuzela. I’ve always wanted to play the organ… but only like really well. 

RDFO: I hear you make a mean origami swan… I can make an origami balloon…. You want to trade techniques?

AP: Yep origami swans. And yep lets swap.  

RDFO: Any words of advice for indie artists trying to make an impact in todays business?

AP: Advice for Indie Artists. – Play out! You don’t know if you have good stuff until other people hear it. Open Mic’s are an awesome and free place to start!

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