Quick off the heels of her previous hit “Softie,” alt-pop artist Beck Pete gears up for the next single off of her upcoming project entitled “Romantic.” This new track pairs with a movement-focused, captivating music video set in a home with just as much uniqueness and character as Beck feels is sewn into our day-to-day lives. The song will drop at midnight on 3/9, courtesy of Wilder Records, with the video quick to follow at 10am PST.
In the video, Beck navigates through the space adorned with antiques and stained glass, leaning in and out of free-flowing and more constricted, unconventional movement to represent the process of abandoning the mundane while fully embracing the magic that surrounds us, and ultimately, the multidimensional nature of love. This love, in Beck’s opinion, should not only be reserved for the people around us, but also the things, the places, the feelings, the colors, and all of the forgotten-about minute details that make this life so incredible, even in moments we find least exciting, or in those that feel painful. This song and this video call the viewer to let go of the things that we cannot control, and embrace the beauty of it all by allowing each moment to take them on a ride.
“At the risk of sounding more hippie than I choose to admit I am, haha, I think we can all agree that there’s a very nuanced beauty and romance to this life, our part in it, and how one thing always leads to another. Even if we aren’t able to access joy as a result of it all of the time, we can at the very least acknowledge that the sparkly parts are ever-present,” says Beck.
Beck’s anthemic hit is a reminder that there is magic all around us if we choose to see it. We can either let the many mini-heartbreaks that the world hands us create a gray film over our daily experiences, or we can rip the film off to see the vibrance of the world around us. Even when we feel like everything is going wrong, it’s important to remind ourselves that the low points are also learning moments and that the ups and downs of life make us into the complex human beings that we are.
The textbook definition of romance is “conducive to, or characterized by, the expression of love.” If we approach even our most difficult moments with compassion for ourselves and others, then that is the difference between operating from a place of love versus fear, and Beck feels that is the only way to live.
“I hate it, I love it, I lost my shit and then I wrecked my car, broke my heart, like I planned it / somehow it’s still romantic” ~ Romantic