Personally, in most instances, I tend to not be the biggest fan of cover songs. As a sucker for new music, I always prefer original lyrics and melodies and appreciate artists coming up with something new and refreshing for me to remember forever - but every once in a while an a cover lands in my inbox that absolutely crushes me.
While in most cases, I find it hard for an artist to match or outdo the magic of a hit song that is already ingrained in our brains, this new cover of The Lumineers, "Ho Hey", by biz colletti and BURNS is a shining example of how beautiful it can be when it works. With stunning vocals, an orchestral backdrop and a minimal yet powerful production, this cover takes The Lumineers smash hit and completely flips it on its head, creating a somber and haunting ballad that tugs on the heart. While the energy of the original will forever hold a place in my head, hearing this song in this style helps to really drive the lyrics home, somehow making them far more impactful than I could have ever imagined.
Perfectly executed from the performance to the mix, biz colletti and BURNS have done an incredible job of making sure their version still feels familiar, while also feeling brand new at the same time. Make sure you check this out.