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Dylan Emmet Rediscovers Himself With Latest Track "Promises"


In some of the best relationships, you find a partner that adds that missing piece... the part of you that you never knew you needed. But what happens when you become dependent on that feeling and the person that gave it to you is no longer around?

In "Promises", Dylan Emmet beautifully lays out his dilemma of becoming reliant on someone and being forced to face his own insecurities after the fallout. Appropriately, the song starts off solely with acoustic guitar and Dylan's voice, portraying how he feels in this moment... ALONE.

Promises” is about losing yourself in a relationship. With my last ex, I was lost in mine. After almost a year of dating, she broke up with me in a text. It sent me down a spiral which led to me finally facing myself and my issues with codependency.... I’m never again waiting for someone to change or holding out hope for someone’s potential"

Currently living with his daughter back home in upstate New York, Dylan has continued to successfully write for multiple artists on both coasts by utilizing video chat and taking occasional month long trips to LA to write. Over the past year Dylan has had his songs featured everywhere from Billboard to Spotify’s New Music Friday.

Listen to more like Dylan Emmet here:


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