If Monica Martin isn’t at the top of your artists to watch list already… maybe her new single, “Thoughtless”, will help persuade you.
Born in Chicago and raised in rural Wiconson, Monica Martin initially had no intentions on getting into music. Before becoming an artist, she was just a fan – waiting for Billie Holiday videos to load on back-country dial-up and making trips in a busted Geo Metro to watch Punk shows in Milwaukee. Luckily for us, a friend persuaded her to give it a shot and Monica soon began to perform in public and lend her vocal talents on friends records. Fast forward to 2012 and she quickly became an indie sensation as she fronted experimental-folk-pop sextet, PHOX.
While the group went on to achieve a certain level of success including landing major festival slots, international gigs and live performances on late night TV, they disbanded in 2017 indefinitely. Monica Martin moved out to the city of misfits (LA) later that year and got to work on her new solo career – and it is off to an impressive start.
While it was only a couple of months ago that we first discovered Monica Martin via her debut solo single , “Cruel”, she has recently unleashed, “Thoughtless”, and I literally can’t say enough about it. Front and center sits Monica’s sultry, emotive, dynamic vocals backed by thought provoking lyrics and further enhanced by unorthodox arrangements, intriguing melodies and an undeniable level of cool. On the production end, what sometimes feels like a wishy washy, unorganized, mess of sounds turns out to be a perfectly executed, incredibly musical, totally original sound – this is Monica Martin.
Seemingly unafraid to take risks and willing to create whatever pours out of her soul, Monica Martin is quickly developing a sound all her own… and I can not get enough. About the inspiration behind the new tune, Monica says, “So many of us remain floundering idiots, drowning in a sea of golden rules, pearls of wisdom and blue-ribbon lifestyle recipes. The best I can do (so far!) is share the feedback loop that results from me trying yet again to apply any of it. ‘Thoughtless’ is a stream of consciousness of receiving wisdom and panic-laughing my way through actually applying it.”
Do yourself a favor and keep an eye on Monica Martin. Let’s hope the first two singles are leading into a debut album… I have no doubt it will be spectacular on all fronts.