Brazilian born, NYC based artist Madam makes a triumphant return to RockDafuqOut with her new tune, “Doers”.
After first discovering the Berklee College of Music graduate via her recent release, “Rise Up”, I was immediately taken by her voice, Pop sensibility and message. This time around, the same can be said.
Her new tune is a poignant Pop smash with a bit of underlying funk. The clean and dynamic production relies on rolling bass lines, funky guitar rhythms, and bright and ambient melodies to lay the perfect groove for Madam to shine. Beneath the beautiful performance is a message of inspiration.
About the release Madam says, “DOERS is inspired by the idea of counteracting the saying of calling ourselves ‘Dreamers’. When people say they ‘dream’ of something, their brain subconsciously understands it to be something so unattainable and distant from their reality, that they don’t necessarily have to act upon it. It creates a subconscious idea that it is unreal and therefore will only happen if a ‘wish comes true’. Our brain is our tool, so instead of making it believe it’s unattainable, let’s make it believe that it is possible ,and ‘DO’ instead of dream.”
Lucky for you, we got a chance to catch up with Madam for a little chat. Check out the new single below and keep scrolling to check out the Q&A.
RDFO: You are originally from Brazil. Was it easy for you to adjust to life in NYC?
M: I can’t say it was easy because it was a really drastic change from where I grew up. I’m from an Island in Brazil that has no more than 500K people, it’s paradise really. But I lived in Boston for almost 5 years before moving to NY, so the change was good and really great for music and art in general.
RDFO: You are yet another Berklee graduate that we’ve featured on the site. What do you think it is about the school that makes such great artists emerge after graduation?
M: Berklee is a spectacular school and there’s no coincidence that so many amazing and successful artists have studied there. It not only has an amazing campus, amazing program and incredible professors, but also the students are what really made it so special to me. You get immersed in music and art it every possible way and from countries you can’t even imagine. So I think that’s what makes Berklee so special, it the diversity and the willingness artists have to learn and grown together.
RDFO: We see you see part of your Bachelor degree is for Musical Therapy. What is it that attracted you to this major?
M: Music Therapy was something I had never heard of before coming to Berklee, since it such a small field in Brazil. But internally I always believed in the power of music and I wanted to do and learn so much more about that effect music has on us. I felt that as a performer, there was so much more I could do if I could understand how music affects us and could use music to deliver a bigger message. So when I discovered Music Therapy, I was instantly attracted to it. There is so much about music and its therapeutic abilities that we still don’t know, but Music Therapy allowed me to discover my purpose, and gave me the tools and knowledge to help people through my music. To me, music is so much more than an entertainment, it can heal, it can motivate, unite, inspire, and even allows us to go through things we need to go through sometimes. As a music therapist I’ve worked with such a large variety of populations from premature babies, to oncology, and to end of life, and I have always seen so much improvement. I think we all need music therapy haha
RDFO: How old were you when you wrote your first song?
M: I began began taking voice lessons when I was 10 and started guitar when I was 11 to accompany myself. Writing music came naturally right at that point, so I was about 11 when I wrote my first song. It was a love song, of course haha
RDFO: Your music sounds very polished and Poppy. Were you always into American music even when you were in Brazil?
M: Yes, actually in Brasil, American music and culture as a whole is very prevalent. We tend to follow and adopt American customs such as music, fashion, restaurants, and such. In the radio what we mostly hear now is American Pop music, just like here. The music always spoke to me, but they always had a hard time connecting with the lyrics because they had always the same subject: love, sex, or drugs. That’s why my music has lyrics that are about things people an actually connect with and get inspired from. I believe we are really missing that in the music industry and that is my biggest focus in music and message. Music is so powerful, let’s create something with a bigger message and a greater purpose.
RDFO: What can we expect next from you?
M: You can definitely expect a lot more music! Next year I’ll be releasing my album which has a lot of surprises, might have some different languages
I’m also planning an East Coast tour with the release of the album and I honestly can’t wait to share all this music with you all!