There is something about Shan Vincent De Paul. Although he hasn’t been on my radar for all that long, to me he is one of the most exciting Hip Hop artists out right now. My first introduction to him was via his track, “The Sacred”, and it is still in rotation in my Hip Hop hot lists.
Born in Sri Lanka, he and his family fled from civil war and landed in Canada (Toronto) as refugees. Through an all too original flow, fresh af melodies and stellar lyricism, Shan Vincent De Paul often writes tracks that force listeners to ask themselves tough questions tied to fame, popular culture, identity, and humanity itself.
To launch the release of his sophomore album, “Trigger Happy Heartbreak”, SVDP has just unleashed the lead single, “Bitch Go”, along with a self-directed video and I can’t stop watching it. This one around he teamed up with longtime friend and collaborator La+ch (another RDFO fav) who lays down a minimal yet bouncy production for SVDP to do his thing.
What might come off as a club banger is really a protest in disguise. Killing two birds with one stone, SVDP aims to remove himself from all the negativity in his life while simultaneously taking a shot at Donald Trump, his regime and everything he stands for. This is SVDP saying, “enough is enough”, to everything that is wrong in the world. So what if you can dance to it.
The video also plays on contrast. The dance based, fashion forward video helps the listener to focus more on the groove and less on the message – what looks like a lot of fun is really so much more.
All I know is that Shan Vincent De Paul is doing his own thing and I couldn’t love him more for it. Dudes swag is unmatched. Do yourself a favor and check out the full project below.