When you run a blog, sometimes you find artists that you can’t help but support. Artists that you see in your inbox and before even listening you already know that you’re going to have to do some work and write a feature. AnastasiaMax is one of those artists for me.
It seems that by the time I post one of their new songs, there is another one already waiting for me. These days, with how short people’s attention spans are, it is more important than ever to be consistent and release music regularly. This is easier said than done. While trying to keep the releases coming, artists often struggle with keeping up the quality, but that is not the case with this up and coming teenage brother/sister duo.
With me – they are 3 for 3. Their latest release, “Bullet”, once again stuns. This time the powerful and haunting vocals of 14 year old Anastasia take front and center over a minimal and emotional production. As always, the tune is accompanied by a beautifully done video that gives the viewer a glimpse into the groups dark and ominous vibe.
A bit more sensitive than their usual songs, the new release is melodramatic and hits deep. Soaring vocals enter through your ears and settle in your soul. While I still have their last two singles in heavy rotation, “Bullet”, brings a nice contrast and helps to show the young groups ability to adapt and transform from hard hitting to emotive.
You may want to start paying attention now, big things are coming to these little superstars.