SHY Martin, one of Sweden’s most prolific and successful Pop acts in recent memory, shows her darker side on the new single “Remember You Were the One”. Having already amassed more than a BILLION streams across her discography and features, SHY has nothing left to prove. The accompanying video to “Remember” is a subtle and well envisioned testament to the young Swede’s creativity and authenticity. Martin’s strong vocal presence and distinct tone carry the track as she paints a picture of self respect and acceptance.
The video for “Remember You Were the One” follows Martin as she walks around her flat, with central images of sticky notes containing the tracks’ lyrics, serving as reminders as the song progresses. Within the conversation of self respect and acceptance, reminding oneself of their own worth is an important ritual that is necessary for a positive outlook. As SHY eventually exits her home, venturing out into the night, she leaves these notes along the way, acting in a manner that not only is indicative of her own personal journey but also that she’s promoting this message to the world. This track is a slight deviation from SHY’s usual musical content, edging on the darker side of her repertoire. Her vocal tone and lyrical sentiment contrast the Pop instrumentation, creating a divide that showcases her ability to not only crossover into a new space but also proves that she contains more substance than the typical Pop act. The undoubtedly successful young artist has turned a new page in her career, asserting that she has big things to say and even bigger ways of saying them. If SHY Martin isn’t already on your radar, I have one question for you: Why?